


International anti-bullying day, films from FEST Focus programme

The International day against bullying is celebrated every year, on the last Wednesday in February, under the name ‘Pink Shirt Day’. On this occasion, we remind you of the programme section called FEST Focus, which this year gathers films that deal with the topic of children or teenagers facing a certain type of violence, among which
there are also films that deal specifically with the topic of peer violence.
The artistic director of FEST, Jugoslav Pantelić, emphasizes that the idea for the programme somewhat imposed itself, by observing, on the one hand, the world we live in, and on the other, the films themselves.
‘Last year, many good films dealing with this topic were made worldwide, which coincided with the need for us as a society to devote ourselves more to the most sensitive among us, namely children and young people. I hope that the films will to some extent help us to better recognize the problems that children deal with, which they are often not able to tell us,’ he says.
Pantelić points out that these films, although thematically similar, are diverse in their approach and genre, and that within this selection there are also films by established filmmakers, as is the case with the film Monster, the director of which, Hirokazu Kore-eda, won the Palme'Or, as well as some perhaps less catchy titles, but not of lesser quality, such as the film My Little Nighttime Secret, which deals with a quite difficult subject in a tense and exciting way.

Ministry of Culture
Grad Beograd


Knjaz Miloš
Italijanski kulturni centra